ANCIENT GREECE - ITALY: Sicily. Coinage of the Island of Sicily.

SICILY: Abakainon (420-400 BCE) Ar Litra, SNG ANS 1293
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Akragas (275-240 BCE) Ae 19, SNG Munich 185
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Entella (343-339 BCE) Ae Hexas; Calciati 14
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Gela (420-405 BCE) Ae Onkia (10mm, 1.02g,)SNG ANS 108-111
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Gela (420-405 BCE) Ae Tetras, SNG Morcom 588v
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Gela (420-405 BCE) Ae 18 (Trias?), BMC-70v
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Kamarina (460-450 BCE) Ar Litra, SG-757.  **SOLD OUT**SICILY: Kamarina (413-405 BCE) Ae Trias;  SG-1063
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Katane (405-402 BCE) Ae Tetras, SNG ANS 1272.  **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Kentoripai (after 241 BCE) Ae Dekonkion , SG-1081v
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Lilybaion (after 241 BCE) Ae 20, SG-1024
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Menainon (after 210 BCE) Ae Pentonkion, SG-1127
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Messana: The Mamertini Ae 17 (200-135 BCE), SNG ANS 459
SICILY: Segesta (or Eryx, 430-409 BCE) Ae Onkia, SG-1173v.  **SOLD OUT**ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Selinos (417-409 BCE) Ar Tetradrachm, SNG Lloyd 1238.  **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Selinos (520-490 BCE) Archaic Ar Didrachm; SG-730v.  **SOLD OUT**SICILY: Syracuse (425-420 BCE) Ae Tetras;  SNG ANS 370
ANCIENT GREECE: SICILY: Syracuse: Dionysios I (405-367 BCE) Ae Litra, SNG ANS 434.  **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Syracuse (357-344 BCE) Ae 17, 3.16g, SNG ANS 425.  **SOLD OUT**ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Syracuse (357-344 BCE) Ae 16, SG-1187.  **SOLD OUT**ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Syracuse, Time of Timoleon (344-336 BCE) Ae Hemilitron, SG-1192
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Syracuse, Time of Timoleon (344-336 BCE) Ae Trias, SG-1193
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Syracuse, Agathokles (317-289 BCE) Ae 22; SG-1200
ANCIENT GREECE: SICILY: Syracuse: Agathokles (317-289 BCE)Ae 16, SG-1202.  **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Syracuse: Hiketos (288-279 BCE) Ae 24, SG-1211
ANCIENT GREECE: Sicily: Syracuse: Hiketos (288-279 BCE) Ae 21, SG-1211v
ANCIENT GREECE: SICILY: Syracuse: Hieron II (275-215 BCE) Ae 20 of 261-241BCE, SG-1223v.  **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: SICILY: Syracuse, Under Roman Rule (after 212 BCE) Ae 14, BMC-675
SICILY: Messana (478-476 BCE) Tyranny of Anaxilas andson (480-461 BCE) Tetradrachm; SG-842
Regular price: $1,150.00
Sale price: $850.00