In the last several months, we have purchased and acquired a large amount of numismatic material representing many specialty areas, including, but not limited to: Greek, Roman, Eastern, Byzantine, Medieval, Early Modern, Thalers, etc. Many significant items have already been listed or in queue to be listed (those marked *pending*), and multitudes more are in research or preliminary identification. A few of the listings to come are shown below.

Since it may take some time for these items to be activated, please feel free to ask us to expedite the ones in which you are interested, and/or submit offers for them. We will attempt to move those items upward in the listing queue.

CONTINENTAL CURRENCY: May 9, 1776 Eight Dollars, CC-38. *pending*Connecticut October 11, 1777 7 Pence, CT-218.  Signed by Sam Bishop. *pending*New Jersey March 25, 1776 12 Shillings, NJ-179. *pending*
Pennsylvania October 1, 1773 10 Shillings, PA-167. *pending*SILVER CERTIFICATE 1935-E One Dollar, Partial offset transfer.  **IN RESEARCH**FRN-L12 1988-A 5 Dollars, Major  misalignment, Face shift left.  **IN RESEARCH**
Connecticut: Norfolk Bank 18xx One Dollar, Haxby CT-330 G2a. *pending*Washington, D.C.: Merchants' Bank 1852 3 Dollars. *pending*Louisiana: New Orleans: Citizens' Bank of Louisiana 18xx 3 Dollars.  *pending*
Massachusetts: Castine Bank 1810 3 Dollars.  Very Fine.  **IN RESEARCH**MICHIGAN: Detroit: State Bank of Michigan 18xx Two Dollars, MI-160 G4a. *pending*Michigan: Eagle Harbor: Central Mining Company 1863 Ten Dollars. *pending*
Michigan: Flint Rapids: Farmers Bank of Genesee County 1838 One Dollar. *pending*Michigan: Flint Rapids: Farmers Bank of Genesee County 1838 Two Dollars. *pending*Michigan: Marshall: Bank of Michigan 18xx One Dollar, MI-265 G2.  *pending*
MICHIGAN: Monroe: River Raisin & Lake Erie Railroad Company 1863 One Dollar. *pending*MPC Series 472 ND (1948) 10 Dollars, Pick M21. *pending*ARTUQIDS OF MARDIN: Al-Mansur Artuq-Arslan (AH597-637 1201-39) Ar Dirham, Dunaysir Mint; Metcalf type B. *PRELIM*
Australia ND (1933) 1 Pound, Pick 22a, B126a. *pending*AUSTRIA c.1250 Pfennig; Saurma 850/367. *PRELIM*SALZBURG: Maximilian Gandolf (1668-87) Klippe Double Taler Restrike; Dav 3507.  **IN RESEARCH**
BOLIVIA: Felipe IV (1621-65) Ar 1 Real of 1645-48;  Ensayador R.  **IN RESEARCH**BOLIVIA: Felipe V (1700-46) 1733-M 1 Real, CT-1432, KM-28a.  **IN RESEARCH**BOLIVIA: Luis I (1724) 1726 4 Reales (posthumous issue), dated twice.  **PRELIM**
BOLIVIA: Felipe V (1700-1746) 1738-M 8 Reales, SP47. *pending*Canada 1917 1 Dollar, Pick 32b.  *pending*China: Bank of Communications 1914 10 Yuan, Shanghai; Pick 118o, B-1437a.  **IN RESEARCH**
CHINA: Sino-Scandinavian Bank ND (1922) 1 Yuan, Pick S580. *pending*China: Provincial Bank of Kwangtung Province, Pick S2401g. *pending*CHINA: Peking (?) c.1900 Small commercial money-changer.  SM-C63.  **IN RESEARCH**
COLONIA EMERITA AUGUSTA: Tiberius (14-37 CE) Ae Dupondius; SNG Cop 409. *PRELIM*DANZIG: Sigismund III, Wasa (1587-1632) 1614 5 Ducats;  FR-6.  Gilt museum copy. *pending*GUATEMALA: Felipe V (1700-46) 1738 8 Reales;  Calb. 132. *WITHDRAWN FOR STUDY*
HUNGARY c.1986 Szabolcsi-Foldvar St. Laszlo Szabolcs Synod Silver Medal.  **IN RESEARCH**Italian States: Roman Republic ND (1798) 9 Paoli, P-S539.  *pending*MECKLENBURG: Heinrich I (1280-1302) Brakteat. *PRELIM*
NAPLES & SICILY: Ferdinand I (1458-94) Ar Coronato of 1469-74,  Segnor C (gothic); Heiss Pl. 121.14v.  *PRELIM*NAPLES & SICILY: Ferdinand I (1458-94) Ar Coronato of 1469-74,  Segnor C (gothic); Heiss Pl. 121.14v. *PRELIM*NAPLES: Carlo V (1516-1556) Ar Carlino, Pannuti-Riccio 32.  *PRELIM*
SPANISH NETHERLANDS 1579 Jeton, Offense of the star god; Dugn 2786. *PRELIM*SPANISH TOURNAI: Albrecht & Isabella (1598-1621) (1613-18) 1/2 Patagon; Pell 727. *PRELIM*Russia: Bukhara Soviet Peoples Republic AH1338 (1920) 5000 Tengas, Pick S1033a.  *pending*
Russia: Bukhara Soviet Peoples Republic 1922 100 Rubles, Pick S1045. *pending*Russia: Khorezmian Soviet Peoples Republic 1922 10 Rubles, Pick S1102.  *pending*Russia/China: Harbin Railway Assembly, T.N. Surikov Buffet Restaurant 1918 1 Ruble, Ryab. 26263. **IN RESEARCH**
Russia/China: Harbin Railway Assembly, T.N. Surikov Buffet Restaurant 1918 3 Rubles, Ryab. 26264.  **IN RESEARCH**Russia/China: Harbin Railway Assembly, T.N. Surikov Bar Restaurant 1918 5 Rubles.  **IN RESEARCH**RUSSIA: Harbin: Umehara Trading House 1919 1 Ruble.  **IN RESEARCH**
SAXE-OLD-ALTENBURG: 4 Brothers (Johann Philipp, Friedrich, Johann Wilhelm, Friedrich Wilhelm II) 1617-WA 1/4 Thaler; KM-12. *PRELIM*SPAIN: Segovia: Felipe II (1556-98) 1590 8 Reales, 1973 official restrike.  **IN RESEARCH**SPAIN: Felipe III (1598-1621) 1617 8 Reales Cob, Segovia Mint, Ensayador R; CT-778.  **IN RESEARCH**
ZEUGITANA: Carthage c.300 BCE Ae16.  **PRELIM**