U.S. Miscellaneous Numismatica (including tokens & medals)

U.S. Miscellaneous Numismatica including, but not limited to, tokens, medals, medallions, and other exonumia

Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of US and Canadian Transportation Tokens, 6th Edition
Regular price: $95.00
Sale price: $35.00
Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of US and Canadian Transportation Tokens, 6th Edition, Case of 14 books.
Regular price: $420.00
Sale price: $280.00
Civil War Token Society Journal III , Volumes 11-16
Regular price: $20.00
Sale price: $15.00
Regular price: $55.00
Sale price: $45.00
Regular price: $65.00
Sale price: $55.00
Guide to Colorado Merchant Trade Tokens, spiral bound
Regular price: $125.00
Sale price: $95.00
Journal of the Civil War Token Society, Volumes 7-10
Regular price: $14.95
Sale price: $12.50
Patriotic Civil War Tokens, 2005 5th Revised Edition, Fuld
Regular price: $24.99
Sale price: $17.50
U.S. State-Issued Sales Tax Tokens, 2nd Revised Edition
Regular price: $9.95
Sale price: $7.50
1915 PANAMA CANAL Completion Exposition, SH 18-3 GP.  **SOLD OUT**1915 Panama-Pacific Medal in bronze, HK-411.  Oregon State Building.
1915 Panama-Pacific Medal in bronze.  **SOLD OUT**
Puerto Rico: Teodoro Moscoso Bridge Token, 1st Issue ND (1994)
Washington: Longview 1933 25 Cents in wood
Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award.  **SOLD OUT**
Love Token HE on Seated Liberty Half Dime.  **SOLD OUT**Love Token on 1883 Seated Liberty Dime.  **SOLD OUT**Love Token JB on 1898 Barber Dime.  **SOLD OUT**
Medal in Sterling Silver, 100 Greatest Masterpieces #49.  **SOLD OUT**U.S. Capitol Historical Society bronze medal.  **SOLD OUT**OREGON: Portland ND Behnke-Walker Business College GF 5 Cents.  **SOLD OUT**
DEE’S CIGAR STORE Sacramento, CA.  Good For $1.00
Silver Creek Store, Randle WA Good For 5 Cents
Silver Tavern, Waldport OR.  Advertising Token
Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of US and Canadian Transportation Tokens, 6th Edition
Regular price: $95.00
Sale price: $35.00
Puerto Rico 1971 1/2 oz silver bar, 450th Anniversario del Translado de Ciudad de San Juan.  **SOLD OUT**Louisiana: de Ridder: Beauregard Mercantile Co good for 5 cents
North Dakota: Grafton: Bergquam Bros good for 5 cents
De Lake, Oregon: Point of View Tavern, good for 5 cents
Oregon: Sheridan: Calkins Chapin good for 5 cents
Japan: Yokota: Tachikawa Chapter #3 R.A.M. Penny
Oregon: Turner: Claude & Carolyn's Tavern Raincheck
Illinois: Cicero: Klas' Restaurant good for 25 cents
Washington: Monroe: Ray & Joe's Pastime Tavern, good for  cents
Oregon: Forest Grove and Hillsboro: Pastime Card Room good for 5 cent
Oregon: Harney County 1989 Centennial Medallion
Oregon: Redmond: 1959 Oregon Centennial 50 Cents
Briggs Cunningham Automotive Museum Token