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Coinage of the Macedonian Kingdom (359-167 BCE), from Philip II (359-336 BCE) to Perseus (179-167 BCE)
MACEDON: Philip II (359-336 BCE) Ar Drachm, Amphipolis Mint; SNG ANS 622-624.
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Gold Stater, Kallatis Mint. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Gold Stater, Miletos Mint. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Ake Mint. **SOLD OUT**
MACEDONIAN KINGDOM: Alexander III, the Great (336-323BCE) Broad flan Tetradrachm. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Ar Tetradrachm, Amphipolis Mint, lifetime issue (325-323BCE), Price 79a. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Aspendos Mint. **SOLD OUT**
MACEDONIAN KINGDOM: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Ar Tetradrachm, Babylon Mint issue of 311- 305 BCE; Price 3642A.
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Byblos Mint. **SOLD OUT**
MACEDONIAN KINGDOM: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Ar Tetradrachm of Chios 270-220 BCE; Price 2388
Regular price: $1,095.00
Sale price: $795.00
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Damaskos Mint, Price 3205. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Mesembria Mint. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Rhodes Mint, Price 2517
Regular price: $895.00
Sale price: $750.00
MACEDONIAN KINGDOM: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE)Ar Tetradrachm of Sardes 319-315 BCE; Price 2664a. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Uranopolis Mint, (300-290 BCE), Price 514b
Regular price: $825.00
Sale price: $495.00
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Black Sea area mint (?)
Regular price: $795.00
Sale price: $650.00
ANCIENT GREECE: MACEDONIAN KINGDOM: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Ar Drachm. Abydos Mint issue of 310-301 BCE, Price 1551b
Regular price: $325.00
Sale price: $295.00
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Drachm, Lampsacus mint issue of 310-301 BCE; Price 1427. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Drachm, Sardes mint; Price 2653b
Regular price: $350.00
Sale price: $250.00
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Silver Hemidrachm, Babylon mint issue of 325-323 BCE; Price 3605A. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Ae 20 (7.76g), Byblos mint; SG-6739
MACEDONIAN KINGDOM: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Ae 19; cf SG-6739. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Alexander III, the Great (336-323 BCE) Ae 18; SG-6739. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Philip III (323-316 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Babylon Mint. **SOLD OUT**
MACEDONIAN KINGDOM: Philip III Arrhidaeus (323-316 BCE) Ar Tetradrachm, Babylon Mint 323-317BCE; Price P130a. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Philip III (323-316 BCE) Silver Tetradrachm, Salamis Mint
MACEDONIAN KINGDOM: Caria: Mylasa (after 311BCE) Ae 1/4 Unit, SNG Cop 1130v
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Interregnum (288-277 BCE) Ae 18, SG-6781. **SOLD OUT**
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Interregnum (288-277 BCE) Ae 15, SG-6781
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Antigonos II Gonates (277-239 BCE) Ae 18; SG-6786
ANCIENT GREECE: Macedonian Kingdom: Philip V (221-179 BCE) Ae 19, SG-6798
March 2025 Multiple Choice NUMISMATIC Contest
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